Has anyone else seen the Netflix documentary “Explained: Cults”?
No, but now that you've brought it to my attention, I will....Thanks !
has anyone else seen the netflix documentary “explained: cults”?
i thought it was well done.
i feel like a jw might watch it and feel uncomfortable as the show goes through the definition of cults and then the step by step indoctrination process.
Has anyone else seen the Netflix documentary “Explained: Cults”?
No, but now that you've brought it to my attention, I will....Thanks !
hm of you with a divided house have to put up with this?
in this house its walking a mine field.. also our little cat has been gone for some 24 hours and her absence is also my fault apparently..
Sorry bout' your cat...ours showed up after being gone for a week or so. Hope yours does too.
I'm trying to think back to my days as JW and how I felt after the assemblies and here's what I think the possibilities are.
left the jw’s as a teenager; as with most exjws i have struggled throughout the years with being a successful adult.
i have recently starting addressing some of the psychological trauma of my childhood, and i wonder if anyone else here can identify with any of these self limiting beliefs:.
- pursuit of wealth is bad (i.e.
Having your own thoughts without first referring to someone in authority was/ is discouraged . I remember people discussing things and they'd say "Lets look it up in the bound volumes to see what the current "thinking" is " What an odd expression.
Also, being strong willed or having "gumption" was not looked upon as being a good thing. They liked you to check your spine at the door, when entering the Kingdom Hall.
if you have , was it worth what you paid?
I noticed lately that when I fly for long periods, my feet will swell a little. We went trekking with backpacks around Europe this summer . I bought 2 pairs of (as seen on TV) support socks with copper infused into them. They were a godsend in terms of all the walking we did and the long flights. They feel sort of springy and they massage your calves as you walk and keep the blood from pooling in your lower legs and feet. I wore one pair and rinsed out the other pair and let them dry over night. They are knee length so I couldn't wear them with shorts but the rest of the time they were great.
We put everything we needed into (As seen on TV) vacuum compression bags which then made it possible to pack 4 weeks of clothing into small backpacks that fit into the overhead baggage compartments of the trains, boats and planes we rode in. My wife tends to be a bit of a clothes and shoe fiend and I am a little bit as well but we ended up having clothes than we didn't even use. It was great not to have to wrestle with luggage and be able to hop on and off trains and make our way over cobble stone streets with ease.
We also have one of those ( As seen on TV) ceramic egg poachers for the microwave oven. It looks like a little small earthenware sauce pan. There's a hole in the lid to let the steam out. You put an egg in there and a little water and it poaches the egg in the microwave oven. Works just fine...just need to remember to use it more often.
This is us in Monaco
apparently someone put this short message on posters and it's driving people mad because they don't know how they are supposed to react to it.. do you agree or disagree?
is it insulting women, islam, both or neither?.
it's a clever sign and really shows up the cognitive dissonance of the lefts identity politics.. https://johnmarksays.com/blog/2019/9/24/islam-is-right-about-women-the-best-meme-of-2019.
The only problem I'd have with it is that they posted it on a public sign.
We are conditioned now to look for offense...any are just waiting to be provoked. I'm guessing that if the sign said anything as vague or cryptic at about Men....no one would bat an eye.
just yesterday, a pimi jw that i've known for years told me that at the end of a wedding they recently attended in pennsylvania, usa, the "brother" that officiated the ceremony concluded by saying to the bride and groom, "you may now embrace the bride.
no kissing.
just a hug.
"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife....you may now Fist Bump the Bride....Oh and for Gods sake....please don't throw any rice ! "
i am looking for articles that i recall reading from the magazines.
i recall getting the magazines through subscription so it must have been in the 1980's.
they were "biographies" from sisters that dealt with demonic possession and attacks.
I only remember the magazine articles containing side references that mentioned people having troubles with demons. It was usually someone that was studying or a new one. Other than admonishment to abstain from spiritistic practices, I don't remember any specific articles about demon encounters and what to do about them.
Most of what I heard was anecdotal. Lot's of JW's claimed to know someone who had problems with demons or they had problems with them themselves (usually silly old ladies). They'd pride themselves on not purchasing second hand objects from thrift shops or garage sales so as not to have a demonic encounter.. I love the look on their faces when I'd ask them about the used cars they were driving.
for those of you that have not got my book new boy yet, it will be free for down load on amazon books.
you can down load it on your kindle for the next 30 days at no cost.
enjoy keith.
Here is the link to the book at Amazon
You can download the book to any device using the kindle app.
well she went off to the big convention this morning.
as she left i ventured a bare tiny 'dont give them money' 'they have millions.
' she spun back, (we are on pensions.).
she spun back, (We are on pensions.)
Hopefully they won't make her feel guilty by talking about the "widows mite"...the widow who gave her last coin and how it meant more to Jehovah than those giving out of their surplus.
hi there i am not a jw but i am having bible study.
i came to christianity a few months before and i was searching for the right path.
one of the things god spoke to me about and directed me in was to do away with all the vanity that was in me and now i wear the head covering and the modest dresses.
You mentioned that God spoke to you and told you to do away with all vanity in your life. I'm not sure if you meant that God literally spoke to you or if you inwardly felt a need to be less vain and sensed that this would be pleasing to God .
Either way, it seems to me that going to the great lengths that you've described, such as wearing a head covering everywhere thus making yourself stand out from others in an odd way, could in itself be a form of vanity or narcissism. Be sure that your motives are pure. It seems to me that you could on some level, be trying to draw attention to yourself and to what a good and righteous woman you are, compared to all those other vain make-up wearing ladies out there who go around with their heads uncovered.
Thinking that your personal dress and grooming is so important to the God of the universe, that he would speak to you about it and that he absolutely needs you to go around with your head covered up, could be a form of narcissism. You may think that you are focusing on God but instead you may be focusing on yourself and how godly doing these things makes you feel and how pious this makes you appear to others.
JW's (and others) tend to strive for balance when it comes to dress and grooming and their personal actions. They also don't believe that God speaks to individuals directly (especially women). To tell you the truth, JW's won't likely be impressed by your head-coveing and lack of make-up. You may be inadvertently sending them the message that you think you are more godly and less vain than they are. Rather than being impressed, they may think you're not a spiritually balanced person and will likely view you as spiritually immature and not ready for baptism, which of course is their ultimate goal when they study with you.
Why not strike a balance? Avoid the "all or nothing" mindset that people often get when they embark on a new religion. If you formerly wore a lot of makeup and or were spending an inordinate amount of time, money and thought on your grooming, why not reel it in a little? Choose an easy hairstyle, wear a dab of makeup if you want to and wear more practical clothing that won't be hot or encumber your day to day work and activities the way the clothing you've described, might.